Speaking Skills T

受講区分 学科 授業期間 履修年次 単位 担当者
  国際英語 前期 1 2 Frances金辺

Improving students' English speaking skills

The purpose of this class is to give all the students a small number of basic conversational skills so that they will be completely comfortable in' survival English' situations. It is hoped that the students will learn to use English as a tool rather than learn about it as a language.

1) 1A Introductions, 1B Jobs
2) 2A Daily routines, 2B Free-time
3) 3A Job interviews, 3B Sports
4) 4A Hobbies, 4B Personalities
5) 5A Telephone, 5B Weather
6) 6A Directions, 6B At the station
7) 7A Appointments, 7B Excuses
8) 8A Money, 8B Shopping
9) 9A Future Plans, 9B Vacation Plans
10)10A Rules, 10B Cooking
11)11A A Bad Day, 11B Health
12)12A Life Changes,
13)12B More Vacation activities

Attendance, classroom performance and final test.

テキスト書名 編・著者名 出版社 価格
Get Real 1 and workbook Angela Buchingham and Miles Craven MacMillan Languagehouse  

Let's try to use English as much as possible in class!